making your move

Financial Danger Signs

Many students leave college owing thousands of dollars. Some of this debt is due to student loans, but it can also result from poor decisions and overspending. At school, how can you tell if you’re headed for a financial wipeout?

  1. You aren’t sure how much money you owe.
  2. You use credit cards or your student loan to pay for day-to-day bills.
  3. You only make the minimum monthly payment on your credit card.

ALL of these are signs you’re in financial trouble. More signs: You borrow from one credit card to pay for another. You miss payments or pay bills late. Creditors call to ask where their money is. You take a job just to pay off your credit card. If any of these signs sound familiar, it’s time to get help. Call Guidewell Financial Solutions at 1-800-642-2227 or visit our website for free, confidential credit counseling.