life choice scams

Recognizing Online Prescription Scams

Many consumers now use the Internet to find discounted prescription drugs, so it’s no surprise a thriving counterfeit online drug industry also exists. Tainted drugs may be ineffective or even harm you. What’s one way to tell if a site is selling bogus drugs?

  1. A licensed pharmacist is on hand to answer your questions.
  2. The online site you’re using doesn’t require you to provide a prescription.
  3. The online site you’re using offers a wide range of medications.

“B” is correct. Never buy from a site that doesn’t require a prescription or offers to provide you with one if you simply fill out an online questionnaire. Only buy from sites that are properly licensed. To see if a site is licensed, consult your state board of pharmacy. Think twice if you receive a pill container that’s altered, unsealed, or that has unusual packaging. To report counterfeit drug sites, fill out the FDA online form or call 1-866-300-4374.