how scams work

Fraudulent Advertising Practices

Scam artists attract victims using ads in newspapers or magazines or commercials on tv or cable. They may offer something for sale at a bargain price, but then trick you into accepting a lesser product or paying extra. They also may use false claims or misrepresentations to make a sale. How can you avoid being cheated?

  1. If a company notifies you it has run out of stock on an item you ordered, agree to pay for a different item instead.
  2. Before you buy, shop around and compare prices on products.
  3. Buy discounted items that are advertised in “going out of business” sales.

“B” is correct. Alternative products are likely to be inferior to the one you initially ordered. Don’t be taken in by ads that pressure you to make a sudden purchase because a company is closing its doors. Be on guard whenever ads offer to give you something for nothing. There is no free lunch.