how scams work

Steer Clear of Internet Fraud

Reputable businesses and charities promote services and products over the Internet. But con artists and hackers also reside there. How can you avoid falling prey?

  1. Never share your credit card or personal information with a company unless you already know and trust it.
  2. Only transact business on secure sites that include “https” in their web address or include a yellow padlock or key icon on their web page.
  3. Be aware that no complaints is no guarantee -- just because negative comments haven’t been posted about a company doesn’t mean it’s legit.

ALL of these strategies make sense. Also avoid doing business using public Wi-Fi connections, such as those found in cafes, airports, or hotels. They are rarely secure. Pass up contests, auctions, and offers posted by companies you don’t know. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.