avoiding foreclosure scams

How Scammers Target Their Victims

Scammers use a number of methods to find struggling homeowners. Which of these is a common means for targeting victims?

  1. They pay government agencies for information.
  2. They sift through public foreclosure notices in newspapers or on the Internet.
  3. They visit town hall meetings to check for consumers who speak out.

“B” is the best answer. Scammers may also check files at local government offices. If this research yields results, they then send personalized letters offering their services. Scammers also advertise their promises through ads on TV, radio, the internet or in newspapers; by tacking up posters at bus stops or on telephone poles; by leaving business cards or flyers in your mail box or on your front door; or by sending someone to meet with you. Once they get your interest, they find ways to take your money.