Bessie Bailey—DMP

When They Came to Guidewell Financial

Bessie Bailey has always been responsible. She worked, went to school full-time, and took care of her son and grandchildren. It’s not surprising that even a responsible woman like Bessie had financial challenges. She wanted to take charge of her finances to get out of debt. She especially wanted to save some money for a down payment on a Habitat for Humanity house. So she did the responsible thing. She turned to Guidewell Financial . 

How Guidewell Financial Helped

“My counselor was friendly and professional,” says Bessie. “She made me feel at ease and assisted me with sorting out my credit.” At the end of the counseling session, Bessie decided to enroll in Guidewell Financial’s Debt Management Program (DMP). “I’m able to develop a monthly budget plan as well as save money toward the closing costs required to purchase my home.”  Her Guidewell Financial counselor also told Bessie about Guidewell Financial’s emergency savings program, which will give her a financial cushion for emergencies. 


Bessie’s goal is to become financially free as soon as possible. The financial information Bessie received from her Guidewell Financial counseling is helping her do that. “I’ve learned how to start saving, stick to my goals, and prepare for my golden years.”

“This has made me more disciplined. I have a better respect for money and how I spend it.”      

- Bessie Bailey