investing in your future

What to Expect from Social Security

You generally need 10 years of work (40 credits) to qualify for Social Security benefits, but not always. What other factors may make you eligible to claim this benefit?

  1. If you employ a professional caregiver for your children.
  2. If you haven’t worked outside your home, but your husband has.
  3. If you live in an economically disadvantaged area.

“B” is correct. Women who are married but don’t work may be able to obtain benefits through their husband’s work history. Divorced women who were married before for at least 10 years may qualify based on their ex-spouse’s earnings. Family, widow, and disability benefits also may be available in certain situations. The age when you begin to collect Social Security greatly affects how much you will receive. The amount you receive each month is likely to be substantially smaller if you don’t wait until full retirement age to take your benefits. Click here to learn more about how Social Security affects women.