How To Protect Yourself

How To Protect Yourself

Which of These Actions Could Cause You to Become an ID Theft Victim?

  1. When I receive pre-approved credit offers, I automatically toss them in the trash.
  2. I have my personal mail delivered to an unsecured rural mailbox.
  3. When bank statements arrive, I often file them away without looking at them.

ALL of these actions could place you at risk of identity theft.

Identity thieves often check the garbage looking for information opportunities. If you fail to shred pre-approved credit offers before disposing of them, thieves may find them, fill them out, and pretend they are you.

Mail that contains vital personal information can easily be stolen from a box that isn't locked.

It's important to review all bank and credit card statements for unexplained charges. This is often the first sign that an identity thief has been on the prowl.